Crossbite Correction
A crossbite happens when your lower teeth cover one or more of your upper teeth when you bite. This irregular and intermittent contact of your upper and lower teeth can happen in several places in the mouth and cause a variety of health problems.
Crossbite Correction Treatment
A crossbite is common among young people and adults and can cause issues such as headaches, jaw pain, and tooth decay, and other health and jaw development problems if it’s not corrected.
Crossbites are a form of malocclusion, which is an irregular or rough contact between the upper and lower teeth. When the upper and lower teeth align, chewing, and biting is easier. If they are misaligned it can lead to worn enamel, cracked and broken teeth, jaw misalignment, and a variety of other symptoms.
More Questions?
If you have more questions about crossbite correction, please contact our office, request an appointment for your child, or explore the other pediatric dental services we provide.